The books in the series Private Finances deal with subjects such as personal finance, investing in the stock market, retirement planning, and financial independence in a simple and actionable manner.
They introduce you to organizing your finances, letting your money work for you, and successfully building up a fortune. And the books reveal how you can achieve this as simply as possible, without spending a lot of time and at a low cost.
That is why I join forces with other authors in writing the books in this series and share our decades of experience with financial issues for your immediate benefit.
Retire Early: The Simple Guide
Discover invaluable insights into how your early retirement is possible. The book reveals the exact steps of how everyone can do it. You too.
Mehr Geld zum Leben mit deinem Kontenmodell
Entdecke wie auch für dich immer genug Geld da sein kann: für Verpflichtungen, Spass und Vermögensaufbau. Bringe mit regelmässigen Sparbeiträgen den Motor für deine finanzielle Unabhängigkeit zum Laufen. Und mache dein finanzielles Leben im Alltag einfacher.